mega888 mega888 mega888


(圖片: 微軟的蓋茨專頁 / Apple “Get a mac” ads)
標基是世界最大的軟件公司的主席, 是一個大企業的頭目
不過跟我們這邊的那個「我會做好呢份工」的現役/候選連任頭目一樣, 面對人地窒佢, 一樣會黑面:

GARFIELD: I want to ask you one more thing: Those Mac ads — how do you feel about the John Hodgman character?

GATES: I can\’t comment on someone else\’s ad.

GARFIELD: OK … but he\’s you.

GATES: Yeah, I\’m not gonna comment on someone else\’s ad.

GARFIELD: OK, well, Bill Gates, thank you so much for joining us.

GATES: ………..

GARFIELD: Can I just have a clean goodbye?

GATES: ………..

GARFIELD: OK, can you just say goodbye? Thank you or goodbye or something like that?

GATES: Goodbye.

(來源: OIKOS / Advertising Age, silence修改成「………」)

wahahahahahahaha!!這個主持人實在是沒話說, 老外的訪問無論何時都是這樣的一針見血
一副「係呀, 擺明吋你, 又點呢?~」
(註: 我怕有人不知道說一下, 其實飾演PC的那位先生是很有歷史也很有名的mac user, 還有”mac”其實在拍頭一輯廣告之前還未有電腦…)

其實是想不到怎樣駁斥, 還是覺得pc真的是這樣呢….?sweat

2 thoughts on “標基發脾四!

  1. 蓋茨叔叔"Yeah"了一下的耶!

  2. 哈哈!!!
    背景音樂用番mac ad的theme, Garfield的說話由mac仔說出,
    Gates當然是pc… 個mood都幾夾!

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