mega888 mega888 mega888

好了! 天下太平! 世上有兩台iPhone

雖然都應該是大家預料得到的結果, 不過在正式公報未出來之前還是不要說個肯定
天有不測之風雲, 商場變色無先兆, 今天還可以互相擁抱, 明天就會打到你死也可以發生

報道, 在美國時間周三, 兩間公司終於達成協議, 水果和思科「均可自由使用」iPhone商標, 商標擁有權已經釐清(不過就沒有寫到底歸誰), 雙方都會取消為此而正進行及將會進行的訴訟, 其他(包括錢銀瓜葛)一切保密。此協議全球有效

Cisco and Apple Reach Agreement on iPhone Trademark

SAN JOSE and CUPERTINO, California—February 21, 2007—Cisco and Apple® today announced that they have resolved their dispute involving the “iPhone” trademark. Under the agreement, both companies are free to use the “iPhone” trademark on their products throughout the world. Both companies acknowledge the trademark ownership rights that have been granted, and each side will dismiss any pending actions regarding the trademark. In addition, Cisco and Apple will explore opportunities for interoperability in the areas of security, and consumer and enterprise communications. Other terms of the agreement are confidential.

(Apple Press Release)
(很好笑的….在cisco那邊看, cisco就有®的)

咁咪好囉, 和氣生財o丫嘛!