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[Wii] 這些豬大俠都好似做過啊…

How to win Wii Tennis (at any cost)
Technique #1: Ultra Backhand Spin-Smash
Technique #2: Special Power Serve
Technique #3: Catapult Controller
Technique #4: Telesmash

1. 大力反手, 用來K旁邊玩者的面
2. 大力發球, 用來K旁變玩者的 後尾「枕」(←我已經忘了正字怎樣寫了, yeah!) 腦後
3. 彈射搖控, 重擊對手
4. smash my LCD/plasma .com! 一拍兩散(不要在自己家做)

….喂! 好孩子不要學! 給人打好Q痛的!

via 5rupees – How to win Wii Tennis (at any cost)
看到這來源的來源: 都係鬼畜之道

3 thoughts on “[Wii] 這些豬大俠都好似做過啊…

  1. 很喜歡示範圖 (笑)

    Remember, this technique will only work at your opponent's residence. <+ 這行被加重了 XDD 使用後: "Well, looks like Wii can't play anymore."

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